EnviroHome's Florida Radon Database
All certified radon testing businesses in the state of Florida are required to submit test results to the Florida Department of Health.
EnviroHome has obtained this data from the Florida Department of Health and is making it available to provide you radon measurement results going back to 1999. Access our Florida radon database search tool to search for radon data the DOH has for your property and the surrounding area.
Search for your address and the closest 15 properties that have been tested by a radon professional will be returned.
Click on each marker on the map to view the individual test results.
Arm yourself with the information whether you're a property owner, renter, investor or developer.
In the Market for a New Home?
EnviroHomePro provides comprehensive reports on a potential home's health risks, noise pollution, air pollution, natural hazards, overall livability, and more.
With over 30 years in the Environmental Engineering field, EnviroHomePro is bringing this experience to the residential sector. Using one of the largest consolidated environmental databases in the country, rest comfortable knowing you have the best information regarding your property.
Florida Radon Level Results by Zip
The Florida Health department has created a great database, linked here, of radon test results as reported by certified radon businesses and facilities per Florida Statute 404.056. This tool allows you to see the percentage of radon tests that returned greater than a 4 pCi/L result. The EPA recommends homes and properties be mitigated if the level of radon is above 4 pCi/L.
Below are some of the zip codes in Florida we were able to acquire. Last checked: July 17th 2022:
Zip | City | Buildings Measured | Percentage >= 4 pCi/l |
Per the Florida Department of Health: This radon data does not represent a scientific or statistical survey; therefore, it should be interpreted with caution. The data provides an indication of the radon potential within a zip code if a large enough and properly distributed number of buildings have been tested and reported for the area. This data cannot be used to predict the radon level for existing or new construction. Structural features, construction details, and ventilation operations differ from building to building and greatly influence radon concentration. Structures within the same zip code may have dramatically different indoor radon levels due to these differences. Inferring indoor radon levels for untested buildings based on indoor radon data from tested buildings is not possible.
Indoor radon levels have been on the rise as the popularity of increasingly air tight building methods are adopted to obtain higher energy efficiency. A tighter seal creates an opportunity for radon concentration to elevate instead of ventilating outdoors. A colorless, odorless and tasteless radioactive gas produced by the decay of uranium and radium, radon cannot be perceived by any of the five human senses. Because of this, radon testing by radon certified environment engineers must be performed in order to verify if radon levels are beyond the EPA's recommended highest level of 4 pCi/L. What Does Radon Smell Like?
EnviroHome provides testing, diagnosis, and full scale radon mitigation system designs overseen by certified radon experts, licensed professional engineers, and licensed general contractors to ensure the radon levels in your property are at healthy levels.
Real Estate Transactions
The EPA recommends that all properties be tested for radon prior to purchase no matter what radon zone the property is in. EnviroHome's radon certified professionals routinely perform pre-purchase radon testing on properties to ensure the health of the property prior to any real estate transaction. With our radon testing services you can expect a full multi-room report of the radon levels in your property. Our team conducts tests in line with the EPA's protocols to ensure the proper diagnosis can be made.
Is Radon Disclosure Required in Florida?
Diagnostic Testing
Typically done with short term radon tests, usually 48 hours, EnviroHome can perform diagnostic testing on your property as the first step to discovering whether or not your home or property has elevated levels of radon. The goal with diagnostic testing is not only to determine if your home or property has elevated levels of radon, but to also pinpoint the cause of the elevated levels, whether that be building materials emanation or ground source radon.
Pre and Post Mitigation
Before undergoing any radon mitigation, it is important to have an understanding of the nature of the radon issue and how widespread it may be which means EnviroHome may deploy multiple types of radon testing technologies. Pre-mitigation testing must be completed in order to design a proper radon mitigation system fit for the property's specific issues. With pre mitigation testing, EnviroHome can ensure the scope of your mitigation project does not waste time or money and specifically addresses the issue without creating unwanted side effects (humidity and energy-loss concerns).
Post-mitigation testing should always be performed to ensure the mitigation was successful in lowering the radon concentration levels below the EPA recommended guideline level of 4 pCi/L and as low as possible.
How Long Does Testing Take?
How long radon testing takes depends on what stage of discovery or mitigation you are in. For real estate transactions or time sensitive situations, EnviroHome can deploy short term testing, typically 48 hours.
If the diagnostic testing or short-term testing shows elevated levels of radon in your home/building, it may be best to undergo long-term testing which runs for 91 + days. The general guidelines are that Short-term test results between 4 to 8 pCi/L should be confirmed with a Long-term test of 91 days or more. With long-term testing, seasonal weather issues, which can cause elevated radon results, are evened out. Additionally short-term results can often be influenced by house utilization (such as opening windows or doors) which is not an issue with long term testing. With long term testing, you gain a clear understanding of what levels of radon are present within the home and more accurate exposure levels.
How Long Does Radon Testing Take?
When to Mitigate
The Environmental Protection Agency has not issued legal requirements for indoor radon levels but has issued guidance supporting the need for mitigation when radon levels are measured at 4.0 pCi/L or above. If the results of your radon test show elevated levels of radon, our team will work on a tailored radon mitigation plan for your property.
The health risks from radon exposure chief among them lung cancer, depend on how long someone is exposed to radon decay products and what concentration they are exposed to. Responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year, radon is the number two source of lung cancer in America after smoking and has been labeled a major health risk by a number of U.S. health organizations.
How Long Does it Take Radon to Affect You
Mitigation Process
Specializing in multifamily high-rises and commercial buildings, EnviroHome's in-house engineers work to build a plan specific to your property using common radon mitigation methods including Active Soil Depressurization, controlling entry pathways, and optimizing ventilation. Every step from schematic drawings to contractor activities on your property is overseen or executed by our team of highly trained experts. After all construction and cleanup is finished, we conduct final testing to verify radon levels are at the acceptable and healthy level.
Building Materials Emanation
While much of the northeast sees elevated Radon issues from naturally occurring decay of uranium and radium in the ground soil, the largest radon issue plaguing the state of Florida stems from the radon emanating from building materials, chief among them, concrete.
Radon levels exceeding 20 pCi/L or more have been identified in condominium units located 6 stories or higher off the ground. Isolation tests have confirmed that the radon gas is emanating from the formed in-place concrete used in the building construction.
When mitigating radon levels stemming from building materials, EnviroHome deploys a combination of enhanced ventilation and air quality controls to lower the levels of radon below the EPA’s recommended activity level. Implemented ventilation system designs have the added benefit of improved indoor air quality and property value appreciation. The EnviroHome ventilation processes for radon mitigation are the same processes being used in schools, daycares and hospitals to reduce Covid spread risks in occupied buildings. EnviroHome has designed, installed and maintained thousands of these systems throughout Florida and the Southeastern US.
Ground Source Radon
Outside of the building materials used in your home or property, naturally occurring deposits of uranium and radium in the subsurface soil under a home or building can decay releasing radon gas which can migrate through foundations leading to elevated levels of radon in your home, this is called ground source radon. If your property is located in a high radon ground source area, the air in your home may have elevated radon gas levels.
The goal of mitigating ground source radon is not to remove that radon deposit in the ground but to create a pathway for the radon to vent outside the home causing no impact on the occupants of the home or structure.
What is radon and where does it come from?
Radon gas has three primary sources – ground-source, groundwater, and building material released. In South Florida, building material source radon release is significant in high-rise and multi-story homes/buildings which have been built with large quantities of surface exposed concrete which contains aggregate containing low levels of uranium and radium.